Adding s/es to Nouns
Adding s/es to Nouns
Nouns with the following endings take -es to make their plurals. Rest all the Nouns in English take -s except for Nouns ending in -y which take -ies. However, there are Nouns that have their own rules. They are only a handful and can easily be found in any good grammar book such as 'Wren & Martin'.
Endings Noun Noun in plural form
-sh bush bushes
-ch clutch clutches
-ss toss tosses
-z quiz quizzes
-x tax taxes
-o buffalo buffaloes
-y housefly houseflies
Ray Rays (only -s is added if -y is preceded by a vowel)
In all the above cases, -es is pronounced as 'iz'
except for -o and -y endings where -es and -ies both are pronounced as 'z'
To know the right pronunciation please listen to the right pronunciation in a good dictionary such as or listen to your teacher's pronunciation carefully.
Read More:
s/es rule - one rule two functions
Before learning which verbs take 's' and which take 'es', please go through s/es rule to understand what it actually is. Go to the following link:
Adding s/es to verbs
keywords: s/es rule, rules for making singular/plural nouns in English, adding s/es in nouns
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