Past perfect continuous tense

The past perfect continuous tense, also known as the past perfect progressive tense, is used to describe an ongoing action or state that started in the past, continued for a period of time, and was still ongoing at a specific time in the past. It is often used to show the duration of an action that occurred before another past event.

The past perfect continuous tense is formed by using the past perfect tense of the auxiliary verb "have" (had) followed by "been" and the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

Here are some examples of sentences in the past perfect continuous tense:

  1. I had been studying for three hours before I took a break.
  2. They had been playing soccer since morning when it started raining.
  3. She had been working on the project all day before she submitted it.
  4. We had been waiting at the airport for two hours when the flight was finally announced.
  5. He had been practicing the guitar for months before his first performance.
  6. The workers had been constructing the building for several months before it was completed.
  7. Had you been waiting for a long time before the bus arrived?
  8. She hadn't been feeling well for weeks before she went to see the doctor.
  9. The team had been training hard for the match before they were informed it was canceled.
  10. He realized he had been using the wrong method all along after he solved the problem.

In these examples, the past perfect tense of the auxiliary verb "have" (had) is combined with "been" and the present participle (-ing form) of the verbs "study," "play," "work," "wait," "practice," "construct," "had," "feel," "train," and "use" to form the past perfect continuous tense, indicating an ongoing action or state that started before another past event and continued up until that event.

Past perfect tense:

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